" Life of European teenagers"

In the year 2008-09, our school has 164 pupils



There are eight parts of three classes:

A1: 6 boys and 13 girls

A2: 14 boys and 5 girls

A3: 10 boys and 9 girls


B1: 12 boys and 13 girls

B2: 11 boys and 14 girls


C1: 11 boys and 9 girls

C2: 4 boys and 15 girls

C3: 14 boys and 4 girls

As for religion students, and students are in the majority Orthodox Christians. There are also many Muslims and
nationalities are: Greeks, Albanians ....
Music that the children listen to:

Hip hop, pop and rock. Some pupils listen to Greek popular music.

Courses taught per class:


Religion, History, English, 2nd foreign language (Italian or French or German)
Biology I, Geography, Physical Education, Home Economics, Mathematics, Ancient Greek, Ancient Greek translation, Greek Language, Greek Literature, Music, Art, Computers, Technology.
Religion, History, English, 2nd foreign language (French or German), Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Physical Education, Home Economics, from Ancient Translation, Ancient Greek, Greek Literature, Greek Language, Art, Music, Computers, Technology .
Religion, History, English, 2nd foreign language (French or German), Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology II, Physical Education, Social Education, Information, Ancient Greek, Ancient Greek translation, Greek Literature, Greek Language, Art, Music.



Hours of lessons per day




Γ’ Τάξη





















 The course starts at 8.15 am.

Before children enter the classroom a common prayer takes place.

There are six breaks, as follows:
1st hour: 8.15 to 9.00 and 9.00 to 9.05 break
2nd time: 9.05 to 9.50 and 9.50 to 10.00 break
3rd time: 10.00 mechri10.45 and break 10.45 to 10.55
4th Time: 10.55 to 11.35 and 11.35 to 11.45 break
5th hour: 11.45 to 12.25 and 12.25 to 12.30 break
6th hour: 12.30 to 13.10 and 13.10 to 13.15 break and
7th Time: 13.15 until 13.50

Pupils and students may go up five walks ( until noon)  one per month. Two visits to attend

theater and other educational trips.

The children come to school with their bicycles or on  foot, when the distance is small and

by private cars or by bus which is paid by the state, especially for children who live in

villages and away from school.

Besides the courses in the curriculum there are being taught courses  after-school or during

weekends. These activities are called Innovative. In our school this year are three programs

of Environmental Education (Two for the forests and one on Economy and Culture) and a

program etwinning on «Rights of Children». In these courses, the participation of children is

voluntary. They are also supportive teaching courses.

The school year is divided into three quarters. At the end of each quarter students  receive

their marks.

In them there is a degree of each lesson. This degree shows across the performance of the

pupil in the quarter (oral) and written by a repeat test. Such tests are required one for  the

first quarter and one for the second or third. At the end of the school year examinations are

written in almost all subjects and in the 3 / 5 of been taught subject -matter if more than

half. The final grade comes from the combined four points. The three are among the quarters

and one of the exams in May - June. If the sum is more than 38 students succeed in this

course, if less they will be reviewed in September orally and in writing. If left many courses

will have to repeat the class. The order also reiterates, if someone does more than 114


These apply to the Junior High School.

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